Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Suspect Charged With Assault on a Family Member and Felony Criminal Mischief

Recently, Westside Division Patrol officers responded to an assault in progress at a store at 1500 Eldridge Pkwy, after a citizen alerted an HFD firefighter to a man assaulting a woman in the parking lot of the store. The firefighter asked for HPD to respond.
Officers arrived and found the victim locked in the business bathroom and the suspect standing outside. Since initial information indicated the suspect had assaulted the victim, officers gave immediate commands for the suspect to place his hands behind his back.
The suspect refused verbal commands and instead, gripped the water fountain that was attached to the wall. Officers placed one handcuff on the suspect’s left wrist, but the suspect pulled his hand away and placed it back on the water fountain. Officers continued to give verbal commands to the suspect, even as he actively resisted arrest. His grip on the water fountain caused it to break. With the assistance of HFD and other officers on the scene, the suspect was finally taken into custody.
During the struggle, the suspect swung his right elbow and struck one officer in the eye and lip, causing injuries. 
The victim told officers that she had gotten into a verbal argument with the suspect, as he wanted her to move out of their residence. She said he grabbed her arm and pinched her so hard she felt pain and had been violent with her in the past. She did not exit the store bathroom until the suspect was in police custody.
The firefighter witnessed the suspect push the victim several times, including pushing her into the window of the store. The firefighter also witnessed the victim run away from the suspect into the store with the suspect chasing her. 
The suspect was charged with assault on a peace officer, assault family violence with a prior conviction, and felony criminal mischief.

Great collaborative work getting a dangerous suspect into custody.